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2011 Events and Announcements:

January 2011- Book Release....On Sale Now!

TeShaunda Hannor-Walker Named Top Ten School
Counselor in America

Click on Americus Times-Recorder title to read a new story about the Walkers new book release

Jan 22- NAACP banquet @ Montezuma, GA

Feb 2-5- Capital Hill in Washington, D.C. - Panel to discuss "Trends in Education"

March 8th - Savannah, GA- Trainer at National Youth At-Risk Conference
Title: Overlooked and Undertreated: How we can close the Gap in Adolescent Depression among Today's Youth


"This was good and helpful. Mr. and Mrs. Walker did a wonderful job!"

- 14 year old Middle/High school student

"I liked everything that we went over. I felt like they knew what they were talking about, and they felt where we were coming from."

- 14 year old Middle/High school student

"This session was GREAT!"

-16 year old high school student

"I really enjoyed Dr. Hannor-Walker!  She was Great and smart."

-14 year old high school student

"I enjoyed everything.  I really understood it, and I liked how they brought it in a way where [we] kids can understand it!!!!"

-14 year old high school student

"They were GREAT!"

-14 year old high school student

"I loved the sessions with you. They were good."

-12 years old middle school student

"It [the curriculum] was helpful with my self-development."

-12 years old middle school student

I just loved how you all interacted with us."

-15 year old high school student

"Great Job! Everything was great!"

-13 year old middle school student

"I loved the sessions."

-15 year old middle/high student


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